Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of a business like Hip Hop Karaoke Australia. The internet provides a vital means of exposure to a much larger potential audience than would otherwise be available to a business based in a geographically isolated territory like Australia. All this means that the users of this website are highly valued and their rights are held in the highest regard. This extends to their privacy with the assurance that any information gathered through this website will only for its stated purpose.

Hip Hop Nights Australia

Primary Business:
Music events, products and related endevours


Access to this site is free and open to all internet users.

This website does not enable users to communicate with other users or to post information to be accessed by others. This website may direct users to links for third party websites that are associated with the services Hip Hop Karaoke Australia provides. The content of these sites is not necessarily endorsed by Hip Hop Karaoke Australia.

Information Collection:
Cookies are used on this site only when users submit a contact request via the online form provided. Any personal data gathered is not automatically logged nor do linked other means with any other personal data about specific individuals..

Privacy Compliance:
This website complies with both global and regional laws, as well as applicable self-regulatory schemes relating to the collection of data by it's controller. We cannot however, demonstrate that our privacy policy accords with the privacy instrument.


© 2018